Tackling The Tricky Jobs

When men in white suits are running around it can mean a couple of things. Aliens. Radioactive threat or simply the Bohmer’s Tree Care crew tackling a tricky asbestos job. You gotta wear one of these bad boys when working with asbestos, which was […]
Windy Weather – Be ready!

As we move into the cooler months and the windy weather picks up, it is important to secure your property. Bohmer’s windy weather safety tips: Make sure your trees are pruned Hanging branches are removed Any deadwood around your home is taken care of. Check out the next edition of 2515 magazine for more tips. Special […]
The Arboriculture Australia 20/30 Anniversary Conference in Canberra

We were busy at the Arboriculture Australia 20/30 Anniversary Conference. Arboriculture Australia is our industry body that looks after tree workers, arborists, professional tree management and urban forestry throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region. The conference hosted workshops and trade exhibitions, followed by the Australia Tree Climbing Championships. This was a great chance for Bohmer and the crew […]
Australian Tree Climbing Competitions
It was a great week in Adelaide for Arboriculture Australia Conference. Most importantly it was great to see all the climbers giving it ago at the championships. Well done to everyone who entered! Congratulations to Jessica Knott and Barton Allen-Hall who showed us all how it’s really done. And many thanks to all the guys […]